Some technical difficulties (please read)

Hi there and welcome back to my blog! 

On my website, I was having some issues with commenting and subscribing. 

Here I have taken some screenshots and so I hope this will help those wanting to comment until this is fixed.
As for subscribing you have to enter your email at the top of the page, and then verify that you are not a robot.

  1. scroll to the bottom of the post, and chose how you want to comment, anonymous, with a name and URL, or through your Google profile.  
  2. Then enter your comment 

  3. Then hit the publish button 
  4. Then you will have to verify that you are not a robot 
  5. you can also hit 'notify me' if you want to know when someone comments on your post
  6. hit the publish button again
  7. you will see a thing at the bottom saying 'your comment has been published'

Thanks for reading and I hope that this helps anyone that was confused!
-Gusty Girly


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