I got Kittens!

Hello and welcome back to my blog! Today I am going to be doing something a little bit different! I am going to be talking about the new additions to my family instead of my health!!

In November 2019, I started the process to adopt 2 10 week old kittens. My older sibling and I have been wanting kittens forever, and our parents finally said yes! At the end of November, we went to pick them up from the foster mom's home and it was very exciting. 

Kittens are a lot of work, and so I adopted 1, and My older Sibling also adopted one. 

In the beginning, the foster parents had named the kittens already, but we decided to change them. My sibling adopted the little, quiet girl, and I adopted a big energetic boy!

Their original names where Mew (for the girl)
and Squirtle (for the boy)
and where named after Pokemon characters. I decided to name Squirtle Finnagin, but we mostly call him Finn, or Chungus, because he is very fat. And my Sibling renamed Mew to Mercury.

When we first got them they looked like this:
                  Mercury at 10 weeks old                          Finnagin at 10 weeks old   

I immediately fell in love with them and became so attached to them! We already had a dog at home, and so we were somewhat worried about that, but everything worked out just fine!

They now get along well and are happy living at home with us. They are strictly indoor cats, and they are great playmates for each other. 

I feel like they have helped me because if I am not feeling well, they make me feel better, and when I don't want to get out of bed, they persuade me to. But also when I am to sick to get out of bed, they just lay there with me, purring for hours!   

I will insert some more photos of them here!

Thank you for reading and if you are interested, I will be doing some cat-related projects soon, so let me know if you would like me to blog about it!
-Gutsy Girly


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