My most recent update Blog: 1

Hi there everyone!

I realize that recently, I have not been posting many new recipes or posts, but I have an explanation!

I have been not feeling well ☹️

Don't worry, I will try to post more often once I am feeling better, but for now I am taking a bit of a break.

I have been very nauseous, and faint, with hardly any energy, and pain in my stomach. 

I am pretty sure that I am not flaring, but I will keep my fingers crossed. 

I feel as though this time is stressful, which could definitely be elevating the situation, but I also feel that something deeper is definitely going on.

 I have restarted on the SCD entry deit, and I am loving it so far. I have found that Apple cider popcicles and Jello really help with nausea, but that may just be me! 

I have also been loving eating chicken soup, and I just introduced beef patties and eggs (hard boiled is what I am craving right now) and a small amount of avacado! 

I hope to start feeling better soon.

Just remember, that if you are going through a tough time right now, similar to mine, you will get through it. Yes, it will not be easy, but you can do it! 
Always feel free to email me and comment down below!

Thanks for reading
-Gutsy Girly


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